Şirket Kayıt Tarihi: 19 Kasım 2013 Salı Şirket Telefonu:0.852 307 89 26 Şirket Web Sitesi:
www.tengdabearings.comHongKong Tengda bearings limited as the full-service insuatrial distributor in the early february in 2000. With the closely cooperation with the world learding brand company in Japan ,southkorea ,Chinamainland,Malaysia etc and our own 0 barriers to communication service , we have successfully service the clients in European, America and Asia with the excellent reputation.With the starting of providing industrial bearing in mining,steel,textile,electric power,manufacture,chemical,agriculture.
Şirket Kayıt Tarihi: 22 Mayıs 2014 Perşembe Şirket Telefonu:0.224 216 00 07 Şirket Web Sitesi:
www.dermanyatak.com.trDerman Yatak Bursa osmangazi Üretim Tesislerinde Ortopedik yatak,Yaylı Yatak,Visco Yatak,Sünger Yatak,Şantiye Yatağı veYurt Yatakları İmalatı Yapmaktadır